The idea of starting our own little wine hub here in Newport was first officially touted, (rather late in the night, and deep in the Cellar Bar,) on New Years Eve 2022. In all truth though the idea has slowly been fermenting over a much longer time. Probably ever since that fateful day more than 17 years ago when I ran out of money, and the only people willing to employ me, were the managers of a very busy, and slightly desperate restaurant in Cardiff. Necessity did however lead to one of the most important discoveries of my life. I know it’s a cliché, but you never do know what you’re missing until you find it.

What may have begun as just a job, rapidly became a passion. Much is said about the long hours, and the stress of this profession, but the reasons why we continue to do it, aren’t spoken about enough. I’ve been blessed in my time to experience great food, and phenomenal booze, but most importantly, meet some amazing people. If what we do here is about anything, it’s about creating those experiences, sitting down, and telling stories.

The space here at Feral Pig Wines was created to do just that. Every wine we select has its own story, its own individual history, and comes from good people, that care about the land they work and the product they produce. We’re looking for wines with character, wines with a conscience, and wines with confidence and aren’t afraid to express themselves. Most importantly though, they’re fun, so come on down, drink and be merry.


Feral Pig Wines